2nd National Breed Specialty Weekend
November 9-11, 2007, Claremont, CA
Hosting our 2nd National Breed Specialty, DSFCA sponsored a weekend of winners and farmdog fun. Our event exceeded last years attendance, setting a record of thirty-one Danish/Swedish Farmdogs, of which twenty-seven participated in the breed specialty show. Farmdog families traveled from Connecticut, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Texas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Washington, Alaska, and California to participate in this special event. What a joy it was to see so many farmdogs and their families all in one place!
Due to the tireless efforts and support of club members, DSFCA was able to sponsor an experienced judge from Denmark, Ulf Bråthen. Written critiques, a rare offering at other US dog shows, were provided for each breed specialty participant.
The weekend events began early on Friday morning. The field was a flurry of activity with fun-day coordinators and volunteers preparing their portion of the field for each activity. It seemed that the whole farmdog family pitched in to help assemble agility equipment and prepare flyball and rally-O courses. Once the field was ready, members and their farmdog companions participated in various activities including: clicker training, foundation agility work, foundation flyball, beginning rally-O and show/handler class. Participation in the show/handler class ensured members would know what to do when they entered the show ring on Saturday. In addition to the more structured events, there were farmdog fun and games. The creative committee in charge of this event came up with games such as, "Bobbing for Hotdogs," the "Hula Hustle," and much more…
Saturday was "Show Day," and after a quick breakfast at camp, most participants warmed up for the breed specialty, to be held later in the day, by participating in ARBA’s first show early that morning. Handlers and their farmdogs gathered ringside awaiting their call to class, snapping photos and quietly cheering each other on.
In between shows, farmdog families mingled at camp, dined on a nicely catered luncheon and purchased raffle tickets in hopes of winning something special at the end of the day. Our raffle was awesome!
The 2nd National Breed Specialty began with the traditional Parade of Farmdogs! Excitement filled the air and it was evident from all the goose-bumps and smiles, that each and every participant was awe-inspired at the sight. During the show, participants hovered silently over the recording secretary as close to the judge as they could get to hear the critiques. All eyes were focused on the dog on the table and all ears were tuned-in to listen and learn.
After a rewardingly arduous show day, evening events relaxed as members of the DSFCA Board hosted a pre-dinner happy hour featuring some California wines, beer and soft drinks. A plentiful barbeque dinner filled our stomachs and the group peppered our judge with farmdog questions, which he openly answered. After dinner, Helene treated us to an in-depth presentation focusing on our farmdogs here in the US and the Scandinavian dogs that came before them.
An early Sunday morning breakfast was the venue for the first DSFCA Annual Membership Meeting. Minutes can be found in the membership section of this website. Following the membership meeting, many families participated in ARBA shows 3 and 4.
The membership of DSFCA, once again, proved that dedication and hard work towards a single purpose results in a successful event. The 2nd National Breed Specialty is now a treasured memory and we look forward to the DSFCA 3rd National Breed Specialty, to be held October 3-5, 2008, Manalapan, New Jersey.
Show Results
Best of Breed:
Little Denmark's Shoshone
Best Opposite Sex:
Little Denmark's Berta The Adventurer
Best of Winners: Little
Denmark's Shoshone
Winners Dog: Little
Denmark's Shoshone
Winners Bitch: Little
Denmark's Berta The Adventurer
Reserve Winner Dog: Pacific
Rim's Barbary Bart
Reserve Winner Bitch: Pacific
Rim's Bolinas Cloud
Brace Class: Kennel Pacific
Brood Bitch: Kennel
Little Denmark - Javika's Prinsesse Madeleine
Stud Dog - Kennel
Flora - Flora's Han Solo
Puppies 6-9 Months Female
1 - Matilde's Nellie - Susan K. Cohen
2 - Matilde's Ruby - Melody F. Chang
9 - 15 Months Male
1 - Pacific Rim's Barbary Bart - Tonya Jensen
2 - Pacific Rim's Beau Bruno - Magdalena Goscicka
9 - 15 Month Female
1 - Pacific Rim's Bolinas Cloud - Allison Hunt
2 - Pacific Rim's Bernalia Dot - Melody F. Chang / Laura Scribner
3 - Pacific Rim's Blondie - Carol Lemmon
Open Male
1 - Little Denmark's Shoshone - Lucy Maloney
2 - Annika's Joaquin - Warren Ries
3 - Javika's Terkel - Pam Jensen
4 - Flora's Sagewood - Gail Krippner
Open Female
1 - Little Denmark's Berta The Adventurer - Helene R, Pedersen
2 - Little Denmark's Calamity Jane - Amy Arthur
3 - Amanda's Anna - Paul Jensen
4 -Javika's Bestle Nestle Kaao Ko - Helene R. Pedersen
- Amanda's Anna, "Anna"
- Flora's Annika, "Annika"
- Pacific Rim's Blondie, "Blondie"
- Pacific Rim's Beau Bruno, "Bruno"
- Little Denmark's Benedicte the Pioneer, "Cheyenne"
- Little Denmark's Clamity Jane, "C.J"
- Flora's Cooper, "Cooper"
- Winther's Dot, "Dakota"
- Pacific Rim's Bernalia Dot, "Dottie"
- Annika's Joaquin, "Frisco"
- Flora's Else, "Gemini"
- Little Denmark's Berta The Adventurer, "Greta"
- Gonzo's Hannah, "Hannah"
- Little Denmark's Shoshone, "Kemosabe"
- Javika's Bestle Nestle Kakao Ko, Kikka"
- Pacific Rim's Barbary Bart, "Lego"
- Flora's Braveheart, "Levi"
- Pacific Rim's Bolinas Cloud, "Lexi"
- Javika's Prinsesse Madeleine, "Maddy"
- Matilde's Nellie,"Nellie"
- Ostbroen's Pyrus, "Pyrus"
- Matilde's Ruby, "Ruby"
- Annika's Mateo, "Skoen"
- Flora's Han Solo, "Solo"
- Spiff
- Javika's Terkel, "Tukko"
- Gonzo's Folmer, "Vago"
- Flora's Sagewood, "Woody"
- My Bonnie Perickles Perleoeg, Bailey"
- Little Denmark's Bernhardt The Discoverer, "Bernie"
- "Birkita"
- Little Denmark's Birgitte The Conqueror, "Emma"
- Kitenga Ello Enzzo, "Enzzo"
- "Frida"
- Flora's Buttercup, "Hilde"
- Little Denmark's Arapahoe, "Jake"
- Winther's Nash, "Jip"
- Little Denmark's Shawnee, "Panda"
- Little Denmark's Boerge The Explorer, "Samson"
- Little Denmark’s Cheyenne, "Scout"
- My Bonnie Niksen Biksen, "Skipper"
- Flora's Dana, "Soonja"
- Little Denmark's Sioux Stub Butt, "Suzy"
- Flora's Ollaliberry, "Target"
- Flora's Matilde, "Tilly"
- Son-Miks's Whiskey, "Whiskey"